Department of Mathematics

Dr. Siddhartha Sarkar

Assistant Professor

+91 755 269 1271

Academic Details
  • Assistant Professor (October 2009-), Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, India.
  • Post-doc. Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel from 16.10.2007 to 06.09.2009.
  • Post-doc. Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India from 03.12.2006 to 13.10.2007.
  • Ph.D. Finite p-Group Actions on Riemann Surfaces, Mathematics Department, Harish-chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India from Aug.2000 to Nov.2006. with Prof. Ravi S. Kulkarni.
  • Group action on surfaces.
  • Finite p-groups and Finite simple groups.
  • Application of GAP (Group, Algorithm and Programming) to solve Group Theory Problems.
SNo Authors Title of Article Pid Journal Year
1 Siddhartha Sarkar Finite symmetries of surfaces of p-groups of co-class 1 4737 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2023
2 Siddhartha Sarkar,Mayank Mishra The lambda number of the power graph of a finite p-group 4739 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2023
3 Siddhartha Sarkar,Renu Joshi On the Schur multiplier of finite p-groups of maximal class 4741 Journal of Group Theory 2023
4 Siddhartha Sarkar,Renu Joshi A survey on the Non-inner Automorphism Conjecture 2173 Mathematics Newsletter, Journal of Ramanujan Math. Soc. 2020
5 S. Lakshmivarahan,Pawan Kumar Aurora,Kashyap Rajeevsarathy,Siddhartha Sarkar Spectral properties of the Cayley graphs of metacyclic groups 1943 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 2020
6 Kashyap Rajeevsarathy,Siddhartha Sarkar Bound on the diameter of metacyclic groups 1777 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2020
7 Juergen Mueller,Siddhartha Sarkar A Structured Description of the Genus Spectrum of Abelian p-Groups 1196 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 2018