Department of Mathematics


Department Seminar

Pair correlation statistic in number theory (Online: , September 23, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Mithun Kumar Das

Affiliation: International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)


Speaker: Dr. Bharat Talwar

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Orderability of mapping class groups, September 04, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Apeksha Sanghi

Affiliation: IISER Mohali

Graphical models, causality and algebraic perspectives, Setember 2, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Pratik Misra

Affiliation: Technical University of Munich

Hao--Ng isomorphism theorem, August 29, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Md. Amir Hossain

Affiliation: IMSc Chennai

Moduli of Higgs bundles on nodal curves, August 22, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Sourav Das

Affiliation: IISER Tirupati


Speaker: Dr. Prateek Kumar Viswakarma

Affiliation: IISc Bangalore

Sharp Random Constructions for the Mizohata-Takeuchi Conjecture, July 16, 2024

Speaker: Mr. Siddharth Mulherkar

Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles

Why should one study Heegaard Floer homology?, July 12, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Tanushree Shah

Affiliation: Chennai Mathematical Institute

On the powers of algebraic numbers, June 28, 2024

Speaker: Prof. R. Thangadurai

Affiliation: HRI Prayagraj

Residual finiteness of fundamental n-quandles of links, June 19, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Neeraj Dhanwani

Affiliation: IISER Mohali

Lie groups as a unifying theme in mathematics: from Algebra and Number theory to Geometry and Topology, June 07, 2024

Speaker: Prof. Dipendra Prasad

Affiliation: IIT Mumbai


Speaker: Dr. Sourjya Banerjee

Affiliation: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

The leafwise Poincare metric of a singular Riemann surface foliation, June 4, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Sahil Gehlawat

Affiliation: Universite de Lille, FRANCE

A simple range characterization for spherical mean transform in odd dimensions and applications, May 09, 2024

Speaker: Prof. Venkateswaran P. Krishnan

Affiliation: TIFR CAM Bangalore

Maxwell's equations for general manifolds, April 04, 2024

Speaker: Mr. Rahul Shaw

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Potential theory: equilibrium and balayage measures, March 21, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Kartick Adhikari

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Kostant di erential for Quantum Grassmannian, February 29, 2024

Speaker: Mr. Arnab Bhattacharjee

Affiliation: PhD student at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republi

A walk through two sub-families of right-angled Artin groups, February 22, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Mallika Roy

Affiliation: University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

Dynamics of Nonnegative Matrices, February 15, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapaty

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

A Particle on a Circle: Exploring Anomalies in Quantum Mechanics, February 08, 2024

Speaker: Mr. Manav Nishit Shah

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Title: Finiteness properties and relatively hyperbolic groups, January 16, 2024

Speaker: Mr. Harsh Patil

Affiliation: PhD in the University of Bristol, UK

Hausdorff-Young vs Uncertainty on Hypergroups, January 11, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Choiti Bandyopadhyay

Affiliation: SRM University (Amaravati)


Speaker: Dr. Rahul Kumar

Affiliation: Fulbright-Nehru postdoc fellow at Penn State, USA

Lecture Series: Distance Sets, October 9 -12, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Senthil Raani

Affiliation: IISER Berhampur

Classification of tight contact structures , September 08, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Tanushree Shah

Affiliation: Alfred Renyi Institute Budapest, Hungary

Talk 1. Representation theory of quivers, Talk 2. From Hilbert to Kontsevich: cut-and-paste equivalence in K theory, August 21 & 22, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Amit Kuber

Affiliation: IIT Kanpur

An Analysis of the Completion Time of the BB84 Protocol over Repeater Network , August 07, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Sounak Kar,

Affiliation: EPFL, Switzerland

The anisotropic Calderon problem at high frequency, August 04, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Suman Kr. Sahoo

Affiliation: University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Picard groups of some non K ¨ahler homogeneous manifolds, July 21, 2023

Speaker: Mr. Pritthijit


Spherical tuple of operators, July 19, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Surjit Kumar

Affiliation: IIT Madras

Various probabilities of finite groups and their relations with graphs defined on groups, May 25, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Rajat Kanti Nath

Affiliation: Tezpur University

Oscillatory Multipliers on Lebesgue and Hardy Spaces, May 3, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Riju Basak

Affiliation: IISER Mohali


Speaker: Prof. M. Ram Murty

Affiliation: Queen's University (Canada)

Title: To be announced, April 21-25, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Jaban Meher

Affiliation: NISER Bhubaneswar

Title: To be announced, April 21-24, 2023

Speaker: Prof. R. Thangadurai

Affiliation: HRI Prayagraj

Title: To be announced, April 20-23, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Apurva Seth

Affiliation: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | bgu · Department of Mathematics

Accelerated Green function methods and related frequency- and time-domain solvers for simulation, optimization and design, March 23, 2023

Speaker: Prof. Oscar P. Bruno

Affiliation: Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA (USA)

Hardy's inequality for fractional powers of the sublaplacian, March 15 -17, 22 -24, 29-31 & April 5-7, 2023

Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

The mathematics of information technology, March 04, 2023

Speaker: Prof. Kumar Murty

Affiliation: University of Toronto

2D V-line Tensor Tomography, March 02, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Rohit Kumar Mishra

Affiliation: IIT Gandhinagar

Convolution operators on the Fock space, February 15 - 17, 2023

Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Sequence of operator algebras converging to odd spheres in the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance, February 09, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Sushil Singla

Affiliation: ISI Delhi

Convolution operators on the Fock space, February 08 - 10, 2023

Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, February 02, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Atreyee Bhattacharya

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

The topological fundamental groupoid, January 19, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Rohit Dilip Holkar

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Minimal Rational Curves in the Moduli Spaces of Stable Vector Bundles, January 11, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Arusha

Affiliation: TIFR Mumbai

Distinguished varieties and Uniqueness varieties, December 28, 2022

Speaker: Mr. Poornendu Kumar

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

A nonparametric test of co-spectrality of networks, November 18, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Indrajit Jana

Affiliation: IIT Bhubaneswar

Coexistence in discrete time multi-type competing frog models, November 18, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Kumarjit Saha

Affiliation: Ashoka University

Linear eigenvalue statistics of reverse circulant and symmetric circulant matrices, November 18, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Shambhu Nath Maurya

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

On the spectrum of adjacency matrix of Linial- Meshulam complex, November 18, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Koushik Saha

Affiliation: IIT Bombay

Spectrum of High Dimensional Sample Covariance and Related Matrices: A Selective Review, November 18, 2022

Speaker: Prof. Arup Bose

Affiliation: ISI Kolkata

Some Aspects of Dynamics, November 17, 2022

Speaker: Prof. Riddhi Shah

Affiliation: JNU Delhi

Affine Demazure modules, November 9, 2022

Speaker: Dr. R. Venkatesh

Affiliation: IISc Bangalore

Coding of dynamical systems, October 26, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Nikita Agarwal

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Ramanujan's tau-function and beyond, October 20, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Karam Deo Shankhadhar

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Coding of dynamical systems, October 19, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Nikita Agarwal

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Ramanujan, modular forms and open problems, October 12, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Karam Deo Shankhadhar

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Random matrix theory, September 28, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Kartick Adhikari

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Bilinear maximal functions associated with degenerate surfaces, September 21, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Kalachand Shuin

Affiliation: Seoul National University

Amenable Groups, September 14, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Prahalad Vaidyanathan

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

A Contact Geometric Proof of Whitney-Graustein Theorem, September 07, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Dheeraj Kulkarni

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

A short introduction to invariant theory of finite groups, September 01, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Siddhartha Sarkar

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

The Hilbert transform, August 31, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Some Structures on Principal Lie 2-group Bundles over Lie Groupoid, July 15, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Praphulla Koushik

Affiliation: IISER Pune

Classification of crossed product C*-algebras of noncommutative tori by cyclic groups, May 27, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Sayan Chakraborty

Affiliation: ISI Kolkata

Graphs and Geometry: A Tale of Two Worlds, May 17, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Sujoy Bhore

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

An Eichler-Zagier map for Jacobi forms of half-integral weight, April 7 &11, 2022

Speaker: Prof. B. Ramakrishnan

Affiliation: ISI North-East center at Tezpur

Extension problem and Hardy's inequality, December 08, 2021

Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu

Affiliation: IISc Bangalore

Alexander and Markov theorems for doodles on surfaces

Speaker: Dr. Neha Nanda

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Strong and Weighted Matchings in Inhomogenous random graphs, October 28, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Ghurumuruhan Ganesan

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

2D V-line Vector Tomography, October 21, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Rohit Kumar Mishra

Affiliation: IIT Gandhinagar

On Lambda numbers of finite p-groups, September 16, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Siddhartha Sarkar

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Theory of Modular Forms, September 10, 2021

Speaker: Prof. M. Manickam

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

A weighted sum of L-functions of modular forms, September 9, 2021

Speaker: Mr. Sandeep E M

Affiliation: Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode

Newforms in the theory of modular forms, September 2, 2021

Speaker: Prof. M. Manickam

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Momentum ray transforms, April 7, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Suman Kumar Sahoo (Postdoc)

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Nonlinear Stein theorem for differential forms, March 31, 2021 (Online)

Speaker: Dr. Swarnendu Sil

Affiliation: IISc Bangalore

On uniqueness of dissipative solutions to the compressive Euler system, March 24, 2021 (Online)

Speaker: Dr. Shyam Sundar Ghoshal

Affiliation: TIFR-CAM Bangalore

Two torchbearers of probability and dynamics, March 17, 2021 (Online)

Speaker:Dr. Nikita Agarwal

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Word maps on PSL(2, F_q), March 10, 2021

Speaker:Dr. Jyoti Prakash Saha

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Calderón’s Inverse Problem, February 17, 2021

Speaker:Dr. Sombuddha Bhattacharyya

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

On the Spectrum of Dense Random Geometric Graphs, February 10, 2021

Speaker:Dr. Kartick Adhikari

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Calderón's Inverse Problem, March 05, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Sombuddha Bhattacharya

High-dimensional Variable Selection for Spatial Regression and Covariance Estimation , February 27, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Siddharth Nandy, Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University

Deformations of Galois representations, February 25, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Shaunak Deo, Postdoctoral Researcher, TIFR Mumbai

Newforms in the theory of modular forms, February 13, 2020

Speaker: Prof. M. Manickam, former director, Kerala School of Mathematics (KSoM)

Higher moments of Riemann zeta function on certain vertical lines, February 10, 2020

Speaker: Prof. Sankaranarayanan Ayyadurai, TIFR Mumbai

A study on Unique Continuation for Fractional Laplacian Operators, February 07, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Sombuddha Bhattacharya, Post-doctoral fellow, HKUST, Hongkong

Discontinuous Flux Based Solvers for $2\times2$ hyperbolic systems admitting $\delta-$ shocks, February 06, 2020

Speaker: Prof. Aekta Aggarwal, IIM Indore

Algebraic cycles supported on generic hyperplane sections, January 16, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Kalyan Banerjee

Dr. Sudhir Pujahari, Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, January 09, 2020

Speaker: Joint Sato-Tate conjecture and strong multiplicity one theorem.

Minimal Model Program (MMP) in Higher Dimensions, November 14, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Omprakash Das, Faculty at the School of Mathematics, TIFR Mumbai.

Experiments in Teacher Capacity Building, April 3, 2019

Speaker: Ms. Sneha Bhansali

Affiliation: University of Iowa, USA

Symmetrically-Normed Ideals and Characterizations of Absolutely Norming Operators, June 26, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Satish Kumar Pandey

Affiliation: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel

Fast, higher-order direct/iterative hybrid solver for scattering by Inhomogeneous media – with application to high-frequency and discontinuous refractivity problems, August 2, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Ambuj Pandey

Affiliation: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA

Circle method and sub-convexity problems: Some history and recent developments, August 23, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Saurabh Kumar Singh

Affiliation: ISI Kolkata

On the maximal function associated to the Lacunary spherical means on the Heisenberg group, March 20, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Sayan Bagchi

Affiliation: IISER Kolkata

Graph-theoretic operator theory, March 4, 2019

Speaker: Prof. Sameer Chavan

Affiliation: IIT Kanpur

On nodal sets of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, with randomness, February 9, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Manjunath Krishnapur

Affiliation: IISc Bangalore

Computational Mathematics in Biomedical Sciences, February 7, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Aarti Jajoo

Affiliation: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

Surfaces and three-folds, January 29-31, 2019

Speaker: Professor Parameswaran Sankaran

Affiliation: IMSc, Chennai

Convexity of level lines of Martin functions, January 24, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Koushik Ramachandran

Affiliation: TIFR-CAM, Bangalore

An introduction to Mathematical Logic, January 21-24, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Sujata Ghosh

Affiliation: ISI, Chennai

Topology of Manifolds, December 26, 2018

Speaker: Prof. A J Parameswaran

Affiliation: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

A proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra using `only' elementary linear algebra, December 21, 2018

Speaker: Prof. Anant R. Shastri

Affiliation: IIT Bombay

Noncommutative geometry, December 11, 2018

Speaker: Prof. Jean Renault

Affiliation: Université d'Orléans

KMS states and groupoid C*-algebras, December 7, 2018

Speaker: Prof. Jean Renault

Affiliation: Université d'Orléans

On a local-global principle for Galois cohomology over the algebraic function field of one variable over a mixed-characteristic Henselian discrete valuation field, November 30, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Makoto Sakagaito

Affiliation: IISER Mohali

A multivariable calculus proof of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, Novermber 26, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Akhil Ranjan

Affiliation: IIT, Bombay

A weak notion of negative curvature for the Kobayashi metric and analytical approaches to Kobayashi geometry, October 26 & 26, 2018

Speaker: Professor Gautam Bharali

Affiliation: IISc, Bangalore

Negative curvature and a new proof of a classical result in complex analysis, October 23, 2018

Speaker: Professor Gautam Bharali

Affiliation: IISc, Bangalore

Variants of Equidistribution In Arithmetic Progressions, October 9, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Akshaa Vatwani

Affiliation: IIT, Gandhinagar

Nature of sums associated to zeros of Riemann zeta function, September 25, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Purusottam Rath

Affiliation: Chennai Mathematical Institute

Ramanujan function, September 24, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Sanoli Gun

Affiliation: IMSc, Chennai

Fundamental group of moduli of principal bundles over a curve, September 18, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Arjun Paul

Affiliation: IMSc, Chennai

Derivations on prime and semi-prime rings, August 22, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Shailesh Kumar Tiwari

Affiliation: ICMC-University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Modular properties of the balancing sequence, August 16, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Bijan Kumar Patel

Affiliation: IIIT Bhubaneswar

Sampling Theory In Shift-Invariant Spaces, August 14, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Antony Selvan

Affiliation: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Continuity of Condition Spectrum and its Level Set in Banach Algebra, August 14, 2018

Speaker: Dr. S Veeramani

Affiliation: IIT Hyderabad

Poincare Series of Modules Over Local Rings, May 07, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Anjan Gupta

Affiliation: Universita Degli Studi Di Genova-Italia

On Fourier multipliers on the Heisenberg groups and Hermite psudo-multipliers, May 04, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Sayab Bagchi

Affiliation: IISc Bangalore

Differential calculus in Noncommutative Geometry and the quatum double suspension, April 27, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Shreedevi Masuti

Affiliation: IIT Bombay

Differential calculus in Noncommutative Geometry and the quatum double suspension, April 26, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Satyajit Guin

Affiliation: IMSc Chennai

A universal property for groupoid C*-algebras, April 23, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Rohit D Holkar

Affiliation: University of Goettingen

Elliptic curves and prime numbers, April 20, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Sumit Giri

Affiliation: IMSc Chennai

Disjointness of models, April 18, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Mahendra Verma

Affiliation: IIT Bombay

Experiments in Teacher Capacity Building, April 3, 2019

Speaker: Ms. Sneha Bhansali

Affiliation: University of Iowa, USA