Department Seminar
Pair correlation statistic in number theory (Online: , September 23, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Mithun Kumar Das
Affiliation: International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Speaker: Dr. Bharat Talwar
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Orderability of mapping class groups, September 04, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Apeksha Sanghi
Affiliation: IISER Mohali
Graphical models, causality and algebraic perspectives, Setember 2, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Pratik Misra
Affiliation: Technical University of Munich
Hao--Ng isomorphism theorem, August 29, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Md. Amir Hossain
Affiliation: IMSc Chennai
Moduli of Higgs bundles on nodal curves, August 22, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Sourav Das
Affiliation: IISER Tirupati
Speaker: Dr. Prateek Kumar Viswakarma
Affiliation: IISc Bangalore
Sharp Random Constructions for the Mizohata-Takeuchi Conjecture, July 16, 2024
Speaker: Mr. Siddharth Mulherkar
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles
Why should one study Heegaard Floer homology?, July 12, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Tanushree Shah
Affiliation: Chennai Mathematical Institute
On the powers of algebraic numbers, June 28, 2024
Speaker: Prof. R. Thangadurai
Affiliation: HRI Prayagraj
Residual finiteness of fundamental n-quandles of links, June 19, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Neeraj Dhanwani
Affiliation: IISER Mohali
Lie groups as a unifying theme in mathematics: from Algebra and Number theory to Geometry and Topology, June 07, 2024
Speaker: Prof. Dipendra Prasad
Affiliation: IIT Mumbai
Speaker: Dr. Sourjya Banerjee
Affiliation: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
The leafwise Poincare metric of a singular Riemann surface foliation, June 4, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Sahil Gehlawat
Affiliation: Universite de Lille, FRANCE
A simple range characterization for spherical mean transform in odd dimensions and applications, May 09, 2024
Speaker: Prof. Venkateswaran P. Krishnan
Affiliation: TIFR CAM Bangalore
Maxwell's equations for general manifolds, April 04, 2024
Speaker: Mr. Rahul Shaw
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Potential theory: equilibrium and balayage measures, March 21, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Kartick Adhikari
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Kostant di erential for Quantum Grassmannian, February 29, 2024
Speaker: Mr. Arnab Bhattacharjee
Affiliation: PhD student at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republi
A walk through two sub-families of right-angled Artin groups, February 22, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Mallika Roy
Affiliation: University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Dynamics of Nonnegative Matrices, February 15, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapaty
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
A Particle on a Circle: Exploring Anomalies in Quantum Mechanics, February 08, 2024
Speaker: Mr. Manav Nishit Shah
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Title: Finiteness properties and relatively hyperbolic groups, January 16, 2024
Speaker: Mr. Harsh Patil
Affiliation: PhD in the University of Bristol, UK
Hausdorff-Young vs Uncertainty on Hypergroups, January 11, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Choiti Bandyopadhyay
Affiliation: SRM University (Amaravati)
Speaker: Dr. Rahul Kumar
Affiliation: Fulbright-Nehru postdoc fellow at Penn State, USA
Lecture Series: Distance Sets, October 9 -12, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Senthil Raani
Affiliation: IISER Berhampur
Classification of tight contact structures , September 08, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Tanushree Shah
Affiliation: Alfred Renyi Institute Budapest, Hungary
Talk 1. Representation theory of quivers, Talk 2. From Hilbert to Kontsevich: cut-and-paste equivalence in K theory, August 21 & 22, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Amit Kuber
Affiliation: IIT Kanpur
An Analysis of the Completion Time of the BB84 Protocol over Repeater Network , August 07, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Sounak Kar,
Affiliation: EPFL, Switzerland
The anisotropic Calderon problem at high frequency, August 04, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Suman Kr. Sahoo
Affiliation: University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Picard groups of some non K ¨ahler homogeneous manifolds, July 21, 2023
Speaker: Mr. Pritthijit
Spherical tuple of operators, July 19, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Surjit Kumar
Affiliation: IIT Madras
Various probabilities of finite groups and their relations with graphs defined on groups, May 25, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Rajat Kanti Nath
Affiliation: Tezpur University
Oscillatory Multipliers on Lebesgue and Hardy Spaces, May 3, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Riju Basak
Affiliation: IISER Mohali
Speaker: Prof. M. Ram Murty
Affiliation: Queen's University (Canada)
Title: To be announced, April 21-25, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Jaban Meher
Affiliation: NISER Bhubaneswar
Title: To be announced, April 21-24, 2023
Speaker: Prof. R. Thangadurai
Affiliation: HRI Prayagraj
Title: To be announced, April 20-23, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Apurva Seth
Affiliation: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | bgu · Department of Mathematics
Accelerated Green function methods and related frequency- and time-domain solvers for simulation, optimization and design, March 23, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Oscar P. Bruno
Affiliation: Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA (USA)
Hardy's inequality for fractional powers of the sublaplacian, March 15 -17, 22 -24, 29-31 & April 5-7, 2023
Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
The mathematics of information technology, March 04, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Kumar Murty
Affiliation: University of Toronto
2D V-line Tensor Tomography, March 02, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Rohit Kumar Mishra
Affiliation: IIT Gandhinagar
Convolution operators on the Fock space, February 15 - 17, 2023
Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Sequence of operator algebras converging to odd spheres in the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance, February 09, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Sushil Singla
Affiliation: ISI Delhi
Convolution operators on the Fock space, February 08 - 10, 2023
Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, February 02, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Atreyee Bhattacharya
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
The topological fundamental groupoid, January 19, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Rohit Dilip Holkar
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Minimal Rational Curves in the Moduli Spaces of Stable Vector Bundles, January 11, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Arusha
Affiliation: TIFR Mumbai
Distinguished varieties and Uniqueness varieties, December 28, 2022
Speaker: Mr. Poornendu Kumar
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
A nonparametric test of co-spectrality of networks, November 18, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Indrajit Jana
Affiliation: IIT Bhubaneswar
Coexistence in discrete time multi-type competing frog models, November 18, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Kumarjit Saha
Affiliation: Ashoka University
Linear eigenvalue statistics of reverse circulant and symmetric circulant matrices, November 18, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Shambhu Nath Maurya
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
On the spectrum of adjacency matrix of Linial- Meshulam complex, November 18, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Koushik Saha
Affiliation: IIT Bombay
Spectrum of High Dimensional Sample Covariance and Related Matrices: A Selective Review, November 18, 2022
Speaker: Prof. Arup Bose
Affiliation: ISI Kolkata
Some Aspects of Dynamics, November 17, 2022
Speaker: Prof. Riddhi Shah
Affiliation: JNU Delhi
Affine Demazure modules, November 9, 2022
Speaker: Dr. R. Venkatesh
Affiliation: IISc Bangalore
Coding of dynamical systems, October 26, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Nikita Agarwal
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Ramanujan's tau-function and beyond, October 20, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Karam Deo Shankhadhar
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Coding of dynamical systems, October 19, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Nikita Agarwal
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Ramanujan, modular forms and open problems, October 12, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Karam Deo Shankhadhar
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Random matrix theory, September 28, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Kartick Adhikari
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Bilinear maximal functions associated with degenerate surfaces, September 21, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Kalachand Shuin
Affiliation: Seoul National University
Amenable Groups, September 14, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Prahalad Vaidyanathan
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
A Contact Geometric Proof of Whitney-Graustein Theorem, September 07, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Dheeraj Kulkarni
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
A short introduction to invariant theory of finite groups, September 01, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Siddhartha Sarkar
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
The Hilbert transform, August 31, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Some Structures on Principal Lie 2-group Bundles over Lie Groupoid, July 15, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Praphulla Koushik
Affiliation: IISER Pune
Classification of crossed product C*-algebras of noncommutative tori by cyclic groups, May 27, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Sayan Chakraborty
Affiliation: ISI Kolkata
Graphs and Geometry: A Tale of Two Worlds, May 17, 2022
Speaker: Dr. Sujoy Bhore
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
An Eichler-Zagier map for Jacobi forms of half-integral weight, April 7 &11, 2022
Speaker: Prof. B. Ramakrishnan
Affiliation: ISI North-East center at Tezpur
Extension problem and Hardy's inequality, December 08, 2021
Speaker: Prof. S. Thangavelu
Affiliation: IISc Bangalore
Alexander and Markov theorems for doodles on surfaces
Speaker: Dr. Neha Nanda
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Strong and Weighted Matchings in Inhomogenous random graphs, October 28, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Ghurumuruhan Ganesan
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
2D V-line Vector Tomography, October 21, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Rohit Kumar Mishra
Affiliation: IIT Gandhinagar
On Lambda numbers of finite p-groups, September 16, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Siddhartha Sarkar
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Theory of Modular Forms, September 10, 2021
Speaker: Prof. M. Manickam
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
A weighted sum of L-functions of modular forms, September 9, 2021
Speaker: Mr. Sandeep E M
Affiliation: Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode
Newforms in the theory of modular forms, September 2, 2021
Speaker: Prof. M. Manickam
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Momentum ray transforms, April 7, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Suman Kumar Sahoo (Postdoc)
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Nonlinear Stein theorem for differential forms, March 31, 2021 (Online)
Speaker: Dr. Swarnendu Sil
Affiliation: IISc Bangalore
On uniqueness of dissipative solutions to the compressive Euler system, March 24, 2021 (Online)
Speaker: Dr. Shyam Sundar Ghoshal
Affiliation: TIFR-CAM Bangalore
Two torchbearers of probability and dynamics, March 17, 2021 (Online)
Speaker:Dr. Nikita Agarwal
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Word maps on PSL(2, F_q), March 10, 2021
Speaker:Dr. Jyoti Prakash Saha
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Calderón’s Inverse Problem, February 17, 2021
Speaker:Dr. Sombuddha Bhattacharyya
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
On the Spectrum of Dense Random Geometric Graphs, February 10, 2021
Speaker:Dr. Kartick Adhikari
Affiliation: IISER Bhopal
Calderón's Inverse Problem, March 05, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Sombuddha Bhattacharya
High-dimensional Variable Selection for Spatial Regression and Covariance Estimation , February 27, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Siddharth Nandy, Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Deformations of Galois representations, February 25, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Shaunak Deo, Postdoctoral Researcher, TIFR Mumbai
Newforms in the theory of modular forms, February 13, 2020
Speaker: Prof. M. Manickam, former director, Kerala School of Mathematics (KSoM)
Higher moments of Riemann zeta function on certain vertical lines, February 10, 2020
Speaker: Prof. Sankaranarayanan Ayyadurai, TIFR Mumbai
A study on Unique Continuation for Fractional Laplacian Operators, February 07, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Sombuddha Bhattacharya, Post-doctoral fellow, HKUST, Hongkong
Discontinuous Flux Based Solvers for $2\times2$ hyperbolic systems admitting $\delta-$ shocks, February 06, 2020
Speaker: Prof. Aekta Aggarwal, IIM Indore
Algebraic cycles supported on generic hyperplane sections, January 16, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Kalyan Banerjee
Dr. Sudhir Pujahari, Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, January 09, 2020
Speaker: Joint Sato-Tate conjecture and strong multiplicity one theorem.
Minimal Model Program (MMP) in Higher Dimensions, November 14, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Omprakash Das, Faculty at the School of Mathematics, TIFR Mumbai.
Experiments in Teacher Capacity Building, April 3, 2019
Speaker: Ms. Sneha Bhansali
Affiliation: University of Iowa, USA
Symmetrically-Normed Ideals and Characterizations of Absolutely Norming Operators, June 26, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Satish Kumar Pandey
Affiliation: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel
Fast, higher-order direct/iterative hybrid solver for scattering by Inhomogeneous media – with application to high-frequency and discontinuous refractivity problems, August 2, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Ambuj Pandey
Affiliation: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Circle method and sub-convexity problems: Some history and recent developments, August 23, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Saurabh Kumar Singh
Affiliation: ISI Kolkata
On the maximal function associated to the Lacunary spherical means on the Heisenberg group, March 20, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Sayan Bagchi
Affiliation: IISER Kolkata
Graph-theoretic operator theory, March 4, 2019
Speaker: Prof. Sameer Chavan
Affiliation: IIT Kanpur
On nodal sets of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, with randomness, February 9, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Manjunath Krishnapur
Affiliation: IISc Bangalore
Computational Mathematics in Biomedical Sciences, February 7, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Aarti Jajoo
Affiliation: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Surfaces and three-folds, January 29-31, 2019
Speaker: Professor Parameswaran Sankaran
Affiliation: IMSc, Chennai
Convexity of level lines of Martin functions, January 24, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Koushik Ramachandran
Affiliation: TIFR-CAM, Bangalore
An introduction to Mathematical Logic, January 21-24, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Sujata Ghosh
Affiliation: ISI, Chennai
Topology of Manifolds, December 26, 2018
Speaker: Prof. A J Parameswaran
Affiliation: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
A proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra using `only' elementary linear algebra, December 21, 2018
Speaker: Prof. Anant R. Shastri
Affiliation: IIT Bombay
Noncommutative geometry, December 11, 2018
Speaker: Prof. Jean Renault
Affiliation: Université d'Orléans
KMS states and groupoid C*-algebras, December 7, 2018
Speaker: Prof. Jean Renault
Affiliation: Université d'Orléans
On a local-global principle for Galois cohomology over the algebraic function field of one variable over a mixed-characteristic Henselian discrete valuation field, November 30, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Makoto Sakagaito
Affiliation: IISER Mohali
A multivariable calculus proof of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, Novermber 26, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Akhil Ranjan
Affiliation: IIT, Bombay
A weak notion of negative curvature for the Kobayashi metric and analytical approaches to Kobayashi geometry, October 26 & 26, 2018
Speaker: Professor Gautam Bharali
Affiliation: IISc, Bangalore
Negative curvature and a new proof of a classical result in complex analysis, October 23, 2018
Speaker: Professor Gautam Bharali
Affiliation: IISc, Bangalore
Variants of Equidistribution In Arithmetic Progressions, October 9, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Akshaa Vatwani
Affiliation: IIT, Gandhinagar
Nature of sums associated to zeros of Riemann zeta function, September 25, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Purusottam Rath
Affiliation: Chennai Mathematical Institute
Ramanujan function, September 24, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Sanoli Gun
Affiliation: IMSc, Chennai
Fundamental group of moduli of principal bundles over a curve, September 18, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Arjun Paul
Affiliation: IMSc, Chennai
Derivations on prime and semi-prime rings, August 22, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Shailesh Kumar Tiwari
Affiliation: ICMC-University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Modular properties of the balancing sequence, August 16, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Bijan Kumar Patel
Affiliation: IIIT Bhubaneswar
Sampling Theory In Shift-Invariant Spaces, August 14, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Antony Selvan
Affiliation: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Continuity of Condition Spectrum and its Level Set in Banach Algebra, August 14, 2018
Speaker: Dr. S Veeramani
Affiliation: IIT Hyderabad
Poincare Series of Modules Over Local Rings, May 07, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Anjan Gupta
Affiliation: Universita Degli Studi Di Genova-Italia
On Fourier multipliers on the Heisenberg groups and Hermite psudo-multipliers, May 04, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Sayab Bagchi
Affiliation: IISc Bangalore
Differential calculus in Noncommutative Geometry and the quatum double suspension, April 27, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Shreedevi Masuti
Affiliation: IIT Bombay
Differential calculus in Noncommutative Geometry and the quatum double suspension, April 26, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Satyajit Guin
Affiliation: IMSc Chennai
A universal property for groupoid C*-algebras, April 23, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Rohit D Holkar
Affiliation: University of Goettingen
Elliptic curves and prime numbers, April 20, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Sumit Giri
Affiliation: IMSc Chennai
Disjointness of models, April 18, 2018
Speaker: Dr. Mahendra Verma
Affiliation: IIT Bombay
Experiments in Teacher Capacity Building, April 3, 2019
Speaker: Ms. Sneha Bhansali
Affiliation: University of Iowa, USA
Student Seminars
Priya | Generalized bent functions | 12-09-2024 |
Sayoojya Prakash | Scalar product spaces | 05-09-2024 |
Shahbaz Naseem Ansari | An introduction to Groupoids | 29-08-2024 |
Jahnabi Chakraborty | An Introduction to the Yamabe flow | 22-08-2024 |
Jahnabi Chakraborti | The Laplacian and Hessian on a Riemannian Manifold | 05/04/2024 |
Rohan Suresh Mahure | Symbolic Dynamics and Markov Partitions | 22/03/2024 |
Ravi Tomar | An Introduction to CAT(0) Spaces and cube complexes | 06/03/2024 |
Shahbaz Naseem Ansari | An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis | 21/02/2024 |
Tuhin Mondal | Inverse Problem for Linear and Non-linear PDEs | 16/02/2024 |
Dr. Mallika Roy (Visitor ) | Intersection configurations in free times free-abelian groups. | 23.02.2024 |
Bhola Nath Saha (IIT Kanpur) | Filling with Separating Curves (Online) | 09.02.2024 |
Rohan Suresh Mahure | Penner's construction of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism. | 01.02.2024 |
Subhajit Chakraborty (Visiting Student) | An Introduction to the Floyd Boundary of a Group. | 19.01.2024 |
Rajesh Dey | Infinite Type Surfaces: Overview and Classification | 12.01.2024 |
Pawar Vrushabh Bharat | Local Forms in Symplectic Geometry. | 03.11.2023 |
Dr. Tanushree Shah (Visitor) | Conjectures around Dehn Surgery | 27.10.2023 |
Prerak Deep | An Overview on Morse Theory | 20.10.2023 |
Debattam Das | Reciprocity in the Hecke Groups | October 13,2023 |
Vrushabh Pawar | Symplectic Geometry : A Beginner's Perspective | October 12,2023 |
Shahbaz Naseen Ansari | An Introduction to Hilbert Modules | October 6,2023 |
Subhajit Chakraborty | Introduction to Riemann Surface | September 29,2023 |
Sureshkumar M | Crossed Product of C*-Algebras | September 29,2023 |
Shahbaz Naseem Ansari | Introduction to C*-algebras and their properties | September 14,2023 |
Dr. Ravi Tomar | Hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups | September 14,2023 |
Sourayan Banerjee | K-theory of Modules | September 8,2023 |
Dr. Ravi Tomar | Hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups | August 25,2023 |
Aditya Tiwari | Berger's Lemma | August 11,2023 |
Dr. Ravi Tomar | A brief introduction to hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups | August 4,2023 |
Dr. Sharvari Tikekar, TIFR Mumbai | Analysis on one-sided full shift spaces | July 21,2023 |
Satyajit Maity, IISER Bhopal | Nielsen Realization Problem | June 2,2023 |
Dr. Lav Kumar Singh | Tensor products of operator systems and approximation properties | April 28, 2023 |
Pravin Kumar, IISER Mohali | Curves on Surfaces: Knots and Virtual Knots, G-meet link: | April 28,2023 |
Dr. Apurva Seth (Ben-Gurion University of the Negav, Israel) | Description of Intermediate C*-Algebras for Noncommutative Crossed Products | April 21,2023 |
George Shaji | Hyperbolicity of the Curve Graph, G-meet link: | April 21, 2023 |
Sannidhi A S | Hurewicz Theorems | April 20, 2023 |
Sagar Naganath Shinde | Finite Liftability of Non-tracial functionals-II | April 14, 2023 |
Kuwari Mahanta (IIT Guwahati) | Distances in Curve Complex, G-meet link: | April 14, 2023 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Exact categories and their importance to understand Vector Bundles | April 13, 2023 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Exact categories and their importance to understand Vector Bundles-I | April 6, 2023 |
Sagar Naganath Shinde | Finite Liftability of Non-tracial functionals-I | March 31, 2023 |
Dr. Gianluca Faraco, University of Milano Bicocca (Italy) | To be announced shortly | March 31, 2023 |
Sureshkumar M | Rokhlin Dimension for Residually Finite Group Actions on C*-algebras | March 24, 2023 |
Dr. Kuldeep Saha, TCG CREST (Kolkata) | Open books and embedding of smooth manifolds. | March 24, 2023 |
Sureshkumar M | Rokhlin Dimension for Compact Group Actions on C*-algebras | March 17, 2023 |
Dr. Shubhabrata Das, Presidency University (Kolkata) | On stability of (weak) Haagerup property under graph product of groups | March 17, 2023 |
Md Amir Hossain | Inverse semigroup | March 16, 2023 |
Dr. Swapnil Tripathi | The Hartman-Grobman Theorem | February 17, 2023 |
Sourayan Banerjee | ?-Rings | February 16,2023 |
Mr. Sumanta Das | Surfaces of infinite-type are non-Hopfian | February 10, 2023 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Rings | February 9, 2023 |
Sureshkumar M | Nuclear C*-algebras | February 3, 2023 |
Shrikant Shekhar | Cohen Macaulay Rings | February 2, 2023 |
Nishta Garg | Calderón-Zygmund operators | January 27, 2023 |
Shrikant Shekhar | Cohen Macaulay Rings | January 26, 2023 |
Pranav Kumar | Sobolev spaces with application to second-order elliptic PDE | January 20, 2023 |
Sannidhi A | On isometries of Riemannian Manifolds | January 20, 2023 |
Satyajit Maity | Teichmüller space of the torus | January 19, 2023 |
Dr. Haritha C | Enumeration of words and its applications | January 13, 2023 |
Mr. Ranveer Kumar Singh | Introduction to modular forms and conformal field theory | January 9, 2023 |
Mr. Ajay Nair (IISc Bangalore) | On three theorems of Mapping class group | November 25, 2022 |
Prof. Riddhi Shah (JNU Delhi) | Expansive actions of automorphisms on locally compact groups and related compact spaces | November 18, 2022 |
Aditya Tiwari | Sturm Liouville Decomposition | November 18, 2022 |
Himanshi Khurana | Representations of GL(2) over finite field | November 17, 2022 |
Dr. Atreyee Bhattacharya | On the Yamabe problem | November 11, 2022 |
Monika | Wirtinger presentation for the knot group | November 10, 2022 |
Krishna Poojara | Numerical Integration | November 3, 2022 |
Mr. Pabitra Barman (IISc Bangalore) | The Fenchel-Nielsen and the Shear Coordinates on the Teichmuller space | October 21, 2022 |
Md Amir Hossain | Gelfand-Naimark Theorem | October 21, 2022 |
Mr. Pabitra Barman | The Fenchel-Nielsen and the Shear Coordinates on the Teichmuller space | October 21, 2022 |
Mr. Prerak Deep | Geometry of Vision | October 20, 2022 |
Mr. Pankaj Kapdi | Infinite metacyclic subgroups of the mapping class group (Part 2) | October 14, 2022 |
Mr. Surjeet Singh Choudhary | Convolution and approximate identities | October 14, 2022 |
Dr. Prahlad Vaidyanathan | Simplicity of Crossed product C*-algebras | October 14, 2022 |
Ms. Diksha Garg | Direct Limits | October 13, 2022 |
Mr. Pankaj Kapdi | Infinite metacyclic subgroups of the mapping class group | October 7, 2022 |
Mr. Chaitanya J. Kulkarni | Discrete Weak Markov Flows | October 7, 2022 |
Ms. Nishta Garg | Introduction to weak Lp Spaces | September 30, 2022 |
Md Amir Hossain | Toeplitz algebra of a C*-correspondence | September 30, 2022 |
Mr. Chaitanya J | Completely positive maps on a C*-algebra | September 29, 2022 |
Dr. Apeksha Sanghi | An introduction to Metacyclic groups | September 21,2022 |
Mr. Krishna Yamanappa Poojara | Sobolev spaces and trace operator | September 16, 2022 |
Mr. Shubham Jathar | Introduction to Sobolev Spaces | September 9, 2022 |
Md Amir Hossain | Toeplitz algebra of a C*-correspondence | September 14, 2022 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Categories and Functors | August 31, 2022 |
Mihir Manojkumar More | Hurwitz’s Formula | August 24, 2022 |
Rajesh Dey | A first Classification of Riemann Surface | June 2, 2022 |
Rajesh Dey | Hurwitz Groups and Hurwitz Surfaces | April 7, 2022 |
Rajesh Dey | Finite Group Actions on Surfaces (Pt.2) | March 31, 2022 |
Rajesh Dey | Finite Group Actions on Surfaces (Pt.1) | March 17, 2022 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Introduction to Algebraic Groups: Part 2 | April 6, 2022 |
Dr. Kumar Balasubramanian | Self-dual Representations and Signs | March 30, 2022 |
Himanshi Khurana | Depth Zero Representations of GL_n(F) | March 23, 2022 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Introduction to Algebraic Groups | March 09, 2022 |
Kumar Balasubramanian | Fourier analysis on finite abelian groups | February 9, 2022 |
Sreejith M M | Multiplicity one theorem in half-integral weight modular forms. | February 2, 2022 |
Aniruddha S and Prashant Tiwari | Multiplicity One Theorems in Number Theory | January 5, 12 & 19, 2022 |
Diksha Garg | Sheaves and Schemes (Cont'd) | November 10, 2021 |
Diksha | Sheaves and Schemes | October 20th, 2021 |
Sourayan Banerjee | Grothendieck Group K_0 | October 6th, 2021 |
Harsh | The Dehn-Nielsen-Baer Theorem | April 1st, 2021 |
Chaitanya J Kulkarni | Theory of Direct Integral and Disintegration | March 18, 2021 |
Md Amir Hossain | Hilbert $C^*$-modules | March 4, 2021 |
Harsh Patil | Three perspectives on Braids | February 25, 2021 |
Monika | Introduction to Knot Theory | February 18, 2021 |
Aniruddha S | ELLIPTIC CURVES AND ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS | February 12, 2021 |
Lalatendu Keshari Nayak | BSMS Student Seminar- Compact and Fredholm Operators | November 27, 2020 |
Haritha C | Ph.D. Graduate Seminar II- An Alternative Definition For The Parry Measure | October 5, 2020 |
Anshu | Ph.D. Graduate Seminar II- Homotopical Stable Ranks of Crossed Product C*-algebras | October 8, 2020 |
Renu | Student Seminar - Non inner automorphism conjecture | October 8, 2020 |
Anshu | Ph.D. Graduate Seminar II - Homotopical Stable Ranks of Crossed Product C*-algebras | October 8, 2020 |
Haritha C | Ph.D. Open Seminar- Shift Spaces With A Hole: Properties And Applications | October 12, 2020 |
Apeksha Sanghi | Ph.D. Graduate Seminar II- Split metacyclic actions on surfaces | October 14, 2020 |
Lokenath Kundu | Ph.D. Graduate Seminar II- General signatures of PSL(2,7) and character table of GL(2,q) | October 13, 2020 |
Anshu | Ph.D. Open Seminar-Homotopical Stable Ranks of C*-algebras | October 19, 2020 |
Arusha C | Ph.D. Open Seminar- Poincar´e and Picard bundles on Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles over Nodal Curves | September 7, 2020 |
Nupur Patanker | Ph.D. Open Seminar- Hamming Weights and other parameters of certain families of Linear codes | September 8, 2020 |
Kalachand Shuin | Ph.D. Open Seminar- Weighted and unweighted Lp estimates for multilinear spherical averages, maximal functions and Bochner-Riesz means | September 15, 2020 |
Neeraj Kumar Dhanwani | Ph.D. Open Seminar- Commutativity of periodic mapping classes and their representations as words in Dehn twists | July 7, 2020 |
Deo Ashish Samanta | Geometric Classification of M ¨obius Transformations and Isometries of Hyperbolic | October 10, 2018 |
Shriya Gehlot | Entropy of Irreducible Sofic Shifts | October 24, 2018 |
Prerak Deep | Morse Theory : An overview | October 24, 2018 |
Gaurav Kucheriya | Flipping Edges in Triangulations | October 29, 2018 |
Shilpa Saini | Computational aspects of Curves and Surfaces. | October 29, 2018 |
Suman Dutta | Discrete Fourier analysis and applications | October 30, 2018 |
Mayank Jain | Free groups and Group actions | October 31, 2018 |
Antony James | Composition of binary quadratic forms | October 31, 2018 |
Deepak Dixit | The Isoperimetric inequality and minimal surfaces | November 1, 2018 |
Varun Kulkarni | Witt Group Computation | November 2, 2018 |
Vidit Das | Introduction to Mapping Class Groups I | November 2, 2018 |
Deepak Kumar | Guass-Bonnet Theorem | November 5, 2018 |
Satvik Goswami | Riemann-Roch Theorem | November 5, 2018 |
Gayatri Limaye | Knots, Links and RNA | November 8, 2018 |
Ritwik Upadhyay | Prime Number theorem | April 9, 2018 |
Mohammed Rameez Qureshi | Perfect Equilibrium in Bargaining Model | April 10, 2018 |
Ajay Kumar Nair | Knots, 3-manifolds and Lickorish-Wallace Theorem. | April 10, 2018 |
Georgy C Luke | Khoanov Homology and its computation for certain knots | April 11, 2018 |
Sreekanth D | Graph Imbedding and Heawood Problem on Orientable Surfaces | April 14, 2018 |
Maya Verma | Complex Topological K-Theory | April 12, 2018 |
Ashok Kumar | Twin prime estimates using sieve methods | April 12, 2018 |
Akshay Ravindra Date | Cohomology Operations | April 12, 2018 |
Shravan Saoji | The theorem of the highest weight for sl(2, C) | April 13, 2018 |
Mayank Mishra | Modularity and Powerful p-groups | April 13, 2018 |
Conference & Workshop
Math Symposium , Nov 15-16, 2024The IISER Bhopal Math Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to present their research and to engage in fruitful discussion amongst themselves and faculty members with disparate research interests. The first Math symposium was held in February 2018 and has been held yearly since then. The Math Symposium will have two plenary talks by invited speakers and contributed talks in Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry-Topology by the Ph.D. students and the postdoctoral fellows.
Math Circles , August 19 – September 09, 2024Math Circles of India is a national initiative aimed at identifying bright and inquisitive school students with an inclination toward mathematics and nurturing their mathematical aptitude through natural exposure to the joy of mathematics. A Math Circle involves a group of specially selected students who gather for a few hours on weekends to engage in carefully curated mathematical explorations. In August-September 2023, the Department of Mathematics conducted four sessions for the Math Circle, with an active participation of 20 students from 6th to 10th standard selected from various schools in Bhopal. Many teachers from the concerned schools as well as parents also took active interest in the activity.
Continuum 2024 , Feb 7-10, 2024Continuum '24 (the annual Maths fest of IISER Bhopal) was organized by the Department of Mathematics during February 5-10, 2024. This annual event, mainly handled by the IISERB Math club, serves as a platform for the Maths department to showcase the lighter side of Mathematics through some out of the box activities, interactions and talks mostly targeted at BS-MS students of first and second year. This year there were four faculty talks given by Dr. Nikita Agarwal (IISERB maths), Dr. Dheeraj Kulkarni (IISERB maths), Dr. Arnab Rudra (IISERB Physics), and Dr. Shashank Singh (IISERB CS) on varied topics across Mathematics and Physics. There were lots of innovative fun events (Integration Bee, Permutation, Approximation, Maths Bingo, Treasure hunt, Anktakshari, etc. to name a few of them) spanning over five days. All the events and talks were highly appreciated by the students. The details of the core organizing committee and a few photographs are attached here.
Symposium 2024 , February 02 -03, 2024The In-House Symposium of the Department of Mathematics occured on 2nd and 3rd February 2024 in two parallel sessions. Prof. Rajaram Bhat (ISI Bangalore, Bhatanagar Awardee) and Prof Mrinal Kanti Das (ISI Kolkata) were the invited honarary guests and plenary speakers. All PhD students and Postdoc delivered a talk exhibiting the high quality Math research in IISER Bhopal. This year, MS and young PhD students presented posters of their studies or research problems; the work of these young mathematicians was highly appreciated.
Discussion Meeting on Algebra and Geometry , Aug 16-18, 2023This Discussion meeting on Algebraic and Geometry aims to bring together leading researchers and academicians from across the country to exchange ideas and present their research. The meeting seeks to foster collaborations and inspire innovative approaches to address challenges and open problems in these areas of mathematics.
INDIAN WOMEN AND MATHEMATICS (IWM) Annual Conference , July 13-15, 2023Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) is a collective of mathematicians that has been in existence since 2009. Its objectives over the years have been to encourage more women to pursue higher education in mathematics, and to provide an environment, and exposure to new trends, that enables them to take up careers in mathematics. To effectively serve its objectives, IWM organizes various activities throughout the year in different parts of the country. The activities of IWM are funded by the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India and are supported by the Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM), International Mathematical Union (IMU). In association with IISER Bhopal, IWM is organizing an Annual Conference during July 13-15, 2023. The IWM Annual Conference aims to bring together women students, college and university teachers and early-career researchers working at the frontiers of mathematics to exchange mathematical ideas and share their experiences. A major goal of this event is to enable junior women mathematicians to interact with their senior colleagues, both individually and in small groups. In addition to the invited talks, there will be contributory talks and poster sessions that will facilitate interactions of young researchers with senior mathematicians. Venue of the conference: IISER Bhopal
Symposium , March 03 - 04, 2023The IISER Bhopal Math Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers to present their research and to engage in fruitful discussion amongst them and faculty members with disparate research interests. The first Math symposium was held in February 2018 and has been held every year since then. While the past two editions of the event were conducted in hybrid mode due to the nationwide lockdown, this year, we plan to hold it in offline mode as an in-house activity. The Math symposium 2023 will have two plenary talks by invited speakers along with contributed talks in Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry-Topology by the Ph.D. students and the postdoctoral fellows of the department.
Symposium , March 25-26, 2022The IISER Bhopal Math Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students to present their research and to engender fruitful discussion amongst them and faculty members with disparate research interests. The first symposium was held in February 2018 and has been held every year since then. While the first two editions were in-house events, starting in 2020, the theme of the symposium has been broadened by including more invited talks by researchers from Institutes across the country. We believe this would motivate and guide our students in their research endeavors and also provide an atmosphere for collaborative research across disciplines. Keeping the theme intact, the fifth installment of the IISER Bhopal Math Symposium this year will have two plenary talks followed by 14-15 talks each in Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry-Topology.
Symposium , March 25-26, 2021The In-House Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students to present their research, and to engender fruitful discussion amongst them and faculty members with disparate research interests. The last two years the symposium was successful in its objectives. In its fourth edition this year, we have two plenary talks followed by 14-15 talks in each section (namely Algebra, Analysis and Geometry-Topology).
Please see the schedule for the details. 1st Day Schedule | 2nd Day Schedule
The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal (IISERB) is pleased to host ISLA 2020, the 8th Indian School on Logic and its Applications. The school will be held from 4th to 9th May, 2020 and include intensive sessions on logic and its various applications by reputed scholars in the field. The school welcomes students from all over the country and from diverse fields of study, including Mathematics, Philosophy, Computer Science, Linguistics, and other related areas. ISLA 2020 will focus on training in First-Order Logic, Set Theory, Model Theory, and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Symposium , March 06-07, 2020The In-House Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students to present their research, and to engender fruitful discussion amongst them and faculty members with disparate research interests. The first symposium was held on February 03, 2018, and Prof. V. Srinivas (TIFR Mumbai) was present as an external guest. In addition to his plenary talk, there were six other talks; three by post-docs and three by PhD students. The second symposium was held on 8th and 9th of February, 2019. Dr. Manjunath Krishnapur from IISc Bangalore was invited as the special guest. In addition to his excellent plenary talk, there were eleven other talks — five by postdocs and six by PhD students. The Symposium also included a poster presentation by some PhD students. This year, we have broadened the theme of the Symposium to include more invited talks by researchers from Institutes across the country. We believe this would motivate and guide our students in their research endeavors and also provide an atmosphere for collaborative research across disciplines.
16th Discussion Meeting in Harmonic Analysis, 16-19 Dec 2019The first discussion meeting in harmonic analysis (DMHA) was organized by Professor M. G. Nadkarni at the University of Bombay in 1988. It had a very small budget and around 25 participants. The meeting was a great success and the participants decided to have a meeting once every two years at different locations across the country. The vision of that initial group was to have a meeting of all practitioners and students of harmonic analysis in the country, where they would be able to present their work, and discuss new developments in the subject. As participation in the biennial meeting has grown over the years, their vision has been realized. The core of a DMHA is a series of lectures focusing on one theme, by an expert in one of the promising fields. The DMHAs are intended to be accessible to mathematicians at the beginning of their career.
NCM Workshop in Harmonic Analysis, 10-14 Dec 2019 Speaker: Luca Fanelli (SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Italy)
Description: First set of lectures will be on Uniform Resolvent Estimates for Laplace and Dirac operators and applications. The plan of these lectures is as follows:
i) Introduction, non self-adjoint Hamiltonians and eigenvalue problems. The Birman-Schwinger Principle and absence of eigenvalues, as a consequence of uniform resolvent estimates for the free Hamiltonian. An overview of recent results in the non-relativistic case (Frank, Seiringer, Simon et al).
ii) The uniform Sobolev Estimate for the resolvent of the free Schrödinger Hamiltonian by Kenig-Ruiz-Sogge. Proof, and failure of the estimate for the Dirac Hamiltonian.
iii) A new Agmon-Hörmander-type estimate for the free Dirac operators. As a consequence, absence of eigenvalues for Dirac operators with almost scaling invariant complex potentials. The results are obtained in collaboration with P. D’Ancona, and N. Schiavone (Roma Sapienza).
In this workshop, we studied three fundamental areas of Operator Algebras, each of which is an important and involved field in its own right: (i) Noncommutative Geometry [taught by Dr. Sayan Chakraborty (IISER, Bhopal) and Prof. Arup K. Pal (ISI, Delhi)], (ii) K-theory [taught by Dr. Rohit Holkar (IISER Bhopal), and Dr. Prahlad Vaidyanathan (IISER Bhopal)], and (iii) Quantum Groups [taught by Dr. Sutanu Roy (NISER, Bhubaneshwar)]. Each course consisted of some introductory lectures in the first week, while the second week consisted of more advanced material, reflecting modern research trends within the subject. The students attending the workshop were either in an advanced stage of their PhD program, or post-docs working in related fields. The feedback from the students and the faculty was overwhelmingly positive, and the workshop was a great success.
The National Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (CAAG), July 2- 6, 2019The National Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (CAAG) was held at IISER Bhopal during July 2-6, 2019. This is a part of biennial national / international conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry being held over the last two decades. Around sixty people participated in the conference. The conference brought together senior and young researchers for exchange of ideas. It also provided a platform for the young researchers to be updated on the latest developments in the subject.
In-House Symposium, February 8-9, 2019The In-House Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for post-doctoral researchers and PhD students to present their research, and to engender fruitful discussion among them and faculty members with disparate research interests. The second symposium was held on 8th and 9th of February, 2019. Dr. Manjunath Krishnapur (IISc) was invited as a special guest. In addition to his excellent plenary talk, there were eleven other talks; five by post-docs and six by PhD students, and several lively discussions over coffee. The Symposium also included a poster presentation by some PhD students. The culture of free exchange of ideas that has been a core value of the department was there for all to see, and it is hoped that future iterations continue building on this.
NCM workshop on Contact and Symplectic Geometry, December 3-14, 2018In the last two decades, the area of Contact and Symplectic Geometry has been growing very rapidly. The geometry and topology of Contact and Symplectic structures is intimately tied with the properties of the manifolds on which these structures rest. This area has interesting and intriguing connections with many fields in mathematics and physics.
In this workshop, we wish to give the audience a fairly good knowledge about the two dominant features of Contact and Symplectic structures, namely "Flexibility" and "Rigidity" as envisaged by Gromov and propagated further by Eliashberg and others.
The flexibility refers to a feature of these structures where “h-principle” type results can be proved while the rigidity refers to an aspect that relies on the use of “J-holomorphic curves”. The fine line that differentiates the flexibility and the rigidity has been elusive, and is a matter of great mathematical interest.
The first week of the workshop will recall briefly the basics of Contact and Symplectic Geometry. The connections with other fields of mathematics and physics will be discussed. Eliashberg's classification of overtwisted contact structures in dimension three will also be discussed. There will be talks on the introduction to J-holomorphic curves.
The second week will consist of lectures on advanced topics that reflect the current research trends in Contact and Symplectic Geometry. The students in the advanced stages of PhD program, postdocs and young faculty members working in this or related fields will greatly benefit from this workshop.
Basic knowledge in algebra, analysis and topology forms the core of all Advanced Instructional Schools organized by NCM. The main objectives of AFS are to bring up students with diverse background to a common level and help them acquire basic knowledge in these subjects required in Advanced Instructional Schools.
AFS programs are targeted at fresh Ph. D. students in research institutions and universities in the country.
The SMMC is an international mathematics competition involving participation from students from various institutions from the Asia Pacific region.
In-house Symposium, Feb 3, 2018The first In-House Symposium of the Department of Mathematics was conceived as a platform for post-doctoral researchers and PhD students to present their research, and to engender fruitful discussion amongst them and faculty members with disparate research interests. The Symposium was held on February 03, 2018, and Prof. V. Srinivas (TIFR Mumbai) was present as an external guest. In addition to his plenary talk, there were six other talks; three by post-docs and three by PhD students. The Symposium ended with a poster presentation by some PhD students, along with lively discussions. The culture of free exchange of ideas that has been a core value of the department was there for all to see, and it is hoped that future iterations continue building on this.
Science Academies' Lecture Workshop on "Geometry and Topology" (20-21 Jan 2018)The purpose of this two-day workshop is to provide an opportunity to young teachers, researchers and students of Mathematics to learn about important topics in Geometry, Topology and their applications from active researchers and experts.
About the WorkshopA two days lecture workshop on “Geometry and Topology” was held on 20th & 21th Jan 2018 at IISER Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The workshop was organized by Department of Mathematics, in association with Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad and Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.
Prof. (Dr.) A. J. Parameswaran, School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental research was the workshop Convener and Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research was the Coordinator. Fellows from Science Academies’ and eminent academicians from reputed institutions were invited in the workshop to disseminate the proposed concepts to the participants.
The lectures in this workshop have covered specific topics which were relevant to the teachers' classroom instructions. An important component of this program was the discussion hour during which the participants interacted with each other and cleared their doubts and worked-out routine into advanced exercises. In this workshop, participant learned the basics of mathematics and use them to study some specific topics in Geometry and Topology. Through these topics, Speakers has discussed some questions of current interests to get a flavor of ongoing research in these areas.
The main intention to organize this workshop was to promote mathematics in Bhopal and improve quality of teaching which is essential for motivating students for research in Mathematics. We hope that after attending this school, our participants would be able to motivate and encourage their students to study Mathematics at the higher level.
Resource Persons:- Prof. Satya Deo Tripathi, HRI, Allahabad
- Prof. A J Parameswaran, TIFR, Mumbai
- Prof. Mukut Mani Tripathi, BHU, Varanasi
- Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, IISER Bhopal
This workshop was held during October 7-8, 2017 at IISER Bhopal. It was a one-and-a-half day workshop that was open to all post-graduate students, Ph.D. scholars, research fellows and college/university faculty members primarily working in various areas of mathematics. There was a special focus however on women participants. The aim was to encourage and support large-scale participation from women, and to provide an exposure to research and a platform to discuss career opportunities in mathematics.
Resource persons- Prof. Shreemayee Bora, IIT Guwahati
- Prof. C. S. Dalawat, HRI Allahabad
- Prof. S. G. Dani, DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences - University of Mumbai
- Prof. Neela Nataraj, IIT Bombay
- Prof. Geetha Venkataraman, Ambedkar University Delhi
- Prof. Kaushal Verma, IISc Bangalore
There was also a talk on career opportunities in mathematics available for students by Dr. Dheeraj Kulkarni (IISER Bhopal), and a panel discussion after the talk.
Prof. Riddhi Shah (JNU, Delhi), Chairperson and Prof. Geetha Venkataraman was the convener of this workshop. The local organizing committee comprised of Dr. Atreyee Bhattacharya, Dr. Kashyap Rajeevsarathy and Dr. Nikita Agarwal.
The Department of Mathematics offers a 2 years Master's program ( M.Sc.) in Mathematics.